Helping our customers design and architect new solutions is core to the Azure Architecture Center's mission. Architecture diagrams like those included in our guidance can help communicate design decisions and the relationships between components of a given workload. On this page you'll find an official collection of Azure architecture icons including Azure product icons to help you build a custom architecture diagram for your next solution.
Microsoft permits the use of these icons in architectural diagrams, training materials, or documentation. You may copy, distribute, and display the icons only for the permitted use unless granted explicit permission by Microsoft. Microsoft reserves all other rights.
Folder icon designer 3.7
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4. Return to the sheet model by hovering the cursor over the Marker and click the Signal Sheet and select the folder Icon (Open Target Tool). This action returns you back to the sheet model. Notice that by changing the boundary in the design model, this has propagated to the sheet.
With the *.[extension] pattern you can define custom file icon associations. For example you could define an icon for *.sample and every file that ends with .sample will have the defined icon. Use **.[extension] with two asterisks to apply the file association also for the filenames ending with that file extension.
The following configuration can customize the folder icons. It is also possible to overwrite existing associations and create nice combinations. For example you could change the folder theme to "classic" and define icons only for the folder names you like.
Dreamweaver lets you create Bootstrap documents and also edit existing web pages created with Bootstrap. Whether they are fully designed Bootstrap files or works-in-progress, you can edit them in Dreamweaver to not only edit code, but also use visual editing features such as Live View editing, visual CSS designer, Visual Media Queries, and Extract to make design changes.
If you choose to create a new CSS, a "css" folder is created in the site root, and the bootstrap.css file is copied into the new folder. If you choose to use an existing CSS, specify the path or browse to the location of the CSS.
By default, a new site is created using Bootstrap version 4.4.1. After you create the document, you find the css, and js folders in the site root folder. However, if you want to create the site using Bootstrap version 3.4.1, select Site > Manage Sites. Select the site root folder. Click Advance Settings > Bootstrap. In the Bootstrap Version drop-down field, select 3.4.1. For Bootstrap version 3.4.1, you can see the css, js, and fonts folder in the site root folder.
The Bootstrap Components option in the Insert panel lists all the Bootstrap components that you can add to your web page in Dreamweaver. According to the Bootstrap version in the bootstrap.css file linked to the HTML page, the respective components are listed in the Insert panel. For example, in Bootstrap v4.0.0, you see additional components such as Cards, Badges. Similarly, Glyphicons, Panel, Wells, and Thumbnails components are available only in Bootstrap v3.3.7. Depending on the Bootstrap version, you see the respective components in the Insert panel. Also, Spinners component is available only in Bootstrap v4.4.1.
Note that saving the files in this fashion will not automatically create the FDOT Structures Manual shortcut icon on your desktop or start menu. Once downloaded, if any modifications are made to the files they are no longer considered an official document. The only accepted official version of the Structures Manual is the original document(s) that are provided on the Structures Manual Website.
For this example we're going to start with a simple skeleton app, which doesn't do anything interesting. Once we've got the basic packaging process working, we'll extend the application to include icons and data files. We'll confirm the build as we go along.
The build folder is used by PyInstaller to collect and prepare the files for bundling, it contains the results of analysis and some additional logs. For the most part, you can ignore the contents of this folder, unless you're trying to debug issues.
The dist (for "distribution") folder contains the files to be distributed. This includes your application, bundled as an executable file, together with any associated libraries (for example PyQt5) and binary .dll files.
You can try running your app yourself now, by running the executable file, named app.exe from the dist folder. After a short delay you'll see the familiar window of your application pop up as shown below.
In the same folder as your Python file, alongside the build and dist folders PyInstaller will have also created a .spec file. In the next section we'll take a look at this file, what it is and what it does.
On Windows PyInstaller has the ability to create a one-file build, that is, a single EXE file which contains all your code, libraries and data files in one. This can be a convenient way to share simple applications, as you don't need to provide an installer or zip up a folder of files.
Note that while the one-file build is easier to distribute, it is slower to execute than a normally built application. This is because every time the application is run it must create a temporary folder to unpack the contents of the executable. Whether this trade-off is worth the convenience for your app is up to you!
Since debugging a one file app is much harder, you should make sure everything is working with a normal build before you create a one-file package. We're going to continue this tutorial with a folder-based build for clarity.
You will probably want to customize this to make your application more recognisable. This can be done easily using the --icon= command-line switch to PyInstaller. On Windows the icon should be provided as an .ico file.
Why not? Because the icon used for the window isn't determined by the icons in the executable file, but by the application itself. To show an icon on our window we need to modify our simple application a little bit, to add a call to .setWindowIcon().
Here we've added the .setWindowIcon call to the app instance. This defines a default icon to be used for all windows of our application. You can override this on a per-window basis if you like, by calling .setWindowIcon on the window itself.
We're using relative paths to refer to our data files. These paths are relative to the current working directory -- not the folder your script is in. So if you run the script from elsewhere it won't be able to find the files.
This is a minor issue before the app is packaged, but once it's installed you don't know what the current working directory will be when it is run -- if it's wrong your app won't be able to find anything. We need to fix this before we go any further, which we can do by making our paths relative to our application folder.
In the updated code below, we define a new variable basedir, using os.path.dirname to get the containing folder of __file__ which holds the full path of the current Python file. We then use this to build the relative paths for icons using os.path.join().
When you run your application, Windows looks at the executable and tries to guess what "application group" it belongs to. By default, any Python scripts (including your application) are grouped under the same "Python" group, and so will show the Python icon. To stop this happening, we need to provide Windows with a different application identifier.
With this added to your script, running it should now show the icon on your window and taskbar. The final step is to ensure that this icon is correctly packaged with your application and continues to be shown when run from the dist folder.
The issue is that our application now has a dependency on a external data file (the icon file) that's not part of our source. For our application to work, we now need to distribute this data file along with it. PyInstaller can do this for us, but we need to tell it what we want to include, and where to put it in the output.
So far we successfully built a simple app which had no external dependencies. However, once we needed to load an external file (in this case an icon) we hit upon a problem. The file wasn't copied into our dist folder and so could not be loaded.
The simplest way to get these data files into the dist folder is to just tell PyInstaller to copy them over. PyInstaller accepts a list of individual file paths to copy over, together with a folder path relative to the dist/ folder where it should to copy them to.
In both cases we are telling PyInstaller to copy the specified file hand.ico to the location . which means the output folder dist. We could specify other locations here if we wanted. On the command line the source and destination are separated by the path separator ;, whereas in the .spec file, the values are provided as a 2-tuple of strings.
Usually you will have more than one data file you want to include with your packaged file. The latest PyInstaller versions let you bundle folders just like you would files, keeping the sub-folder structure. For example, lets extend our app to add some additional icons, and put them under a folder.
To copy the icons folder across to our build application, we just need to add the folder to our .spec file Analysis block. As for the single file, we add it as a tuple with the source path (from our project folder) and the destination folder under the resulting dist folder.
If you run the build using this spec file you'll see the icons folder copied across to the dist folder. If you run the application from the folder, the icons will display as expected -- the relative paths remain correct in the new location.
So far we've used PyInstaller to bundle applications for distribution, along with the associated data files. The output of this bundling process is a folder, named dist which contains all the files our application needs to run. 2ff7e9595c